Toronto, May 2023 – CareHop would like to recognize and celebrate our Nurses and Personal Support Workers (PSWs)!
May 8-14 was the National Nursing Week, and May 19 was the PSW Day. We took this opportunity to celebrate and show recognition to our nurses and PSWs for all the hard work and care they provide each day. Our theme this year was appreciation.
Over 30 nurses and PSWs were recognized for their hard work, dedication and quality care provided to patients, clients and families.
A few of our dedicated nurses also received awards from SickKids Connected Care during this week of celebration. Congratulations to Stephanie, Mirna, and Ashley for going above and beyond to assist our clients and their families.
Connected Care Engagement – Homecare Leader Award goes to Stephanie Machula, RN, Clinical Practice Leader

This award goes to a leader in paediatric homecare who has strong engagement with Connected Care, collaborating in the design and implementation of systems and structures to promote best practices and delivery of evidence-based paediatric nursing in home and community care.
Connected Care Engagement Award – Homecare Provider recipient is Mirna Stojak, RN

This award goes to a homecare nurse who has strong engagement with Connected Care, consulting with the team to ask questions, actively participating in their education to build capacity in delivery of evidence-based paediatric nursing in home and community care.
Connected Care Good Catch Award goes to Ashley Lala, RPN

This award goes to a nurse who has made a “Good Catch” and acted on their nursing expertise to consult with Connected Care Live in identifying a gap and delivering safe nursing practice and prevent harm coming to a child in home and community care.
Thank you to these three nurses above and to all our amazing Nurses and PSWs.
We cannot thank you enough for the outstanding work you do every day. The definition of appreciation is ‘a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude’(Merriam-Webster) and that’s precisely the feeling we have for you during this special National Nursing Week. Thank you!