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Connected Care Good Catch Award goes to Ashley Lala, RPN at CareHop

Ashley Lala RPN

Caregiver of the month April

One of Ashley’s community clients experienced significant difficulties building trust with other caregivers due to various reasons. It was beautiful to see that over a span of time RPN Ashley Lala was able to connect with her client despite the barriers she faced and was able to build a deep relationship. She manifests Client-centric care. Ashley was able to also deepen the relationship with the client’s family members. Ashley always thinks ahead and is proactive when she deals with her clients.

What brings you sunshine?

Spending time with people close to me

Share your favourite quote

“Watch the light and savor it.” – David Ulrich

What’s your favourite food?

Japanese cuisine

What makes you proud to be a Caregiver?

I am proud to be a Caregiver because I get to see life in a different perspective through the families and experience caregiving in a special way.